
[스크랩] 패트리샤 킹 --- 뉴에이저 이단인 패트리샤 킹( Patricia King )을 경계하자

수호천사1 2012. 3. 22. 21:37

 사탄의 걸작품인 신사도운동을 경계하자! 신사도운동권에서 사도로 임명된 타드 벤트리를 참조하면 잘 알수있다. 신사도운동은 참된 목화자님들과 성도님들을 미혹하고자 하는  거짓 영의 역사임을 삼척동자도 다 알고 있는 사실이다!!!
패트리샤 킹 이단 뉴에이저이며 영지주의자이다. 성추문 거짓선지자이며 이단인 밥 존스 의 추종자[수양딸]이며, 부두교 이단 영지주의 크리스쳔인 타드 벤트리[남학생을 성폭행한 음란한자이며 프로리다 거짓부흥 때 비서와 음란한짓을 벌이다가 부인 소냐로부터 이혼을 당했고,비서와 결혼한 양심이 화인 받은자이다. 예수를 믿고 사역자가 된 한참후인 불과 몇년전에 후 온 몸에  조폭같이 문신을 한 자이다]와 절친한 사이이다. 참고로, 타드 벤트리는  추잡한 성추문 이단 거짓선지자인 밥존스의 양아들이기도 하다
<<패트리샤 킹과 오컬트 시리즈>>
New Age / 영지주의
패트리샤 킹과 오컬트: [1] 

Patricia King (aka Patricia Coking)


Patricia King Exposed - Angel Orbs, Alchemy, Astral Projection & more!

Patricia King Exposed - The Blue Flame

Patricia King -Encouraging Ekstasis Trance Dancing


글쓴이: Miguel Hayworth






패트리샤 킹의 본명은 패트리샤 크러그로서, 그녀는 론 코킹과 결혼했다. 그녀는 캐나다 BC(브리티시 콜롬비아) 킬로나와 피닉스에 본부를 두고 있다. 근래까지 그녀는 팻 코킹(Pat Cocking)으로 알려졌다. 그녀는 이것을 두고 하나님이 그녀를 CoKing(공동왕)으로 변화시키려고 하신다고 말했으나, 후에 그녀의 성을 킹(King)으로 바꾼다.


엘리야리스트의 스티브 슐츠와의 인터뷰에서 그녀는 자신의 회심 전 삶을 설명했다. 분명하게도, 그녀는 20대 초반에 의기소침했고 오컬트 세계로 들어 갔다. 그녀가 병원에 입원했을 때 그녀는 첫번째 환상을 보았는데 이것은 사탄의 환상이었다. [정신병원에 입원시 중요한 환상을 본 것은 밥 존스와 유사하다] 하지만 바로 방 안에는 평화로운 임재가 있었고, 이를 예수라고 믿었다. 그리고는 그녀는 오컬트 신앙과 기술을 가지고 예수를 따르기 시작했다. 그러나 아직도 마음이 공허하고 의기소침했던 그녀는 성공회 신부를 불렀고, 그는 그녀가 예수와 가질 수도 있는 관계에 대해 알려 주었다. 그녀는 깨끗하고 행복하게 느꼈다. 이는 정당한 회심의 체험을 묘사한 것으로 보인다. 하지만, 그녀는 바로 하나님의 음성을 듣는 수업을 받았다고 말한다. 그녀는 슐츠에게 말하기를, 하나님은 항상 말씀하고 계시며 우리는 주파수를 맞추는 방법만 배우면 된다고 말했다.


그 시절부터 그녀는 극한예언에 빠졌다. 그녀는 BC에서 다른 여성의 사역을 접수했다. 조금 후 킹은 토론토(블레싱)와 극한계시에 참여하게 되었다. 그녀는 그것을 킬로나 BC로 가져왔고 이것이 "토론토 웨스트"가 되었다. 그녀는 모든 영역의 극한예언사역과 연합하게 되었는데, 그들은 토론토 빈야드의 랜디 클락과 스테이시 캠벨, 그래엄 쿡, 바비 코너, 루 잉글, 키스 데이비스, 빌 존슨 그리고 밥 존스이다. 존스에 대해서는 특별히 할 말이 있다. 그는 캔자스시티선지자였다. 하지만 그는 사역에서 물러났는데, 이는 터무니 없는 예언 때문이 아니라, 그의 예언을 여신도들의 옷을 벗기는 데에 사용했기 때문이었다. 그는 그 후 "회복"되었으며 킹과 다른 여러 우두머리 예언자들로부터 폴 케인을 이어받는 후계자로 간주되고 있다. 벤틀리는 베니 힌의 "안녕하세요 성령님"을 읽다가 회심했다고 말하는데, 그는 킹에게 픽업되어 그녀의 멘토링을 받았다. 그녀는 그에게 "주 안에서의 어머니"였고 그는 10년 전 "어머니날"에 킹으로부터 안수받았다.  


그녀의 전공은 삼층천으로의 여행을 가르치고 준비시키는 것이다. 나는 벤틀리, 존스와 킹이 매일 삼층천을 여행하는 것에 대해 대화를 나누는 것을 들었다. 거기에서 그들은 새로운 계시를 배운다. [유튜브 비디오<< 참고] 그녀의 동료인 조슈아 밀즈는 "아스트랄 투사(astral projection)"라는 용어를 직접적으로 사용한다. 그는 아스트랄투사는 원래 하나님의 것으로서 사탄이 후에 복사한 것이라고 담대히 말함으로써 이 뉴에이지용어를 수호하고 있다. 삼층천으로 올라간다는 것은 이층천을 지나간다는 것을 의미하며, 여기는 악령들의 영역으로 선포되어 있다. (삼층천으로) 가는 길에 그들은 악령들의 전략을 넘갸듣고 이 거룩한 스파이활동을 통해서 지상에서의 영적전투를 후원한다.


패트리샤 킹: 영광의 대문


그녀의 환상이나 예언의 샘플을 고르는 것은 쉽지 않다. 너무나도 널려 있기 때문이다. 환상 중의 하나는 하늘로 들락거리는 대문을 여는 흔한 테마를 그린다. 하늘로 들락거리는 문을 통해서 "하늘의 빛"이 비추는 그런. 그녀는 지상의 장소와 하늘로의 대문과를 연결시켜주는 금사다리(로 보이는 것)를 묘사한다. 천사들과 신자들은 오르락 내리락 하면서 하늘의 영광을 지상의 영역으로 방출한다.



[참고: 그녀 방식의 삼층천 여행 체험기와 아스트랄 투사에 관한 간단한 내용이 다음 글에 실려 있습니다.]



패트리샤 킹과 오컬트: [2]

       마법의 푸른 불꽃


[2] 마법의 푸른 불꽃 (Blue Flame)



패트리샤 킹의 말이다:

주님의 푸른 불꽃--신적 계시, 열정적 사랑, 그리고 하늘의 진수


최근 영국 더들리에 있는 영광학교에서 강의하는 도중에 나에게 주님의 푸른 불꽃에 관한 영적 마주침이 있었다. 이 마주침에서 나 자신이 독수리 같이 날아오름을 느꼈고, 날으는 중에 태양을 향해 쳐다보았다. (자연계에서 예언자의 상징으로 성경에 종종 나오는) 독수리들의 눈에는 다른 새들에게는 없는 별도의 막이 있어서 시력손상이 없이 태양을 바로 바라볼 수 있다.  태양을 바라보자 나는 태양 중심으로 끌려감을 느꼈고, 그 때 이것-푸른 불꽃-을 보았다. 나는 이것의 힘과 정열을 느낄 수 있었다... 하나님의 불같은 사랑을 바라보자. 하나님의 깊은 신비로의 계시를 받도록 준비하자.

이 환상은 킹의 독창적인 것이 아니며, 뉴에이지 가르침에서도 똑같이 모사된다. 승격마스터(승천대사)와 "유일자(I AM)"에게 하는 주문(呪文)을 들어 보자:

나는 나의 아버지 신의 신적 권능을 나타내는 푸른 불꽃을 부른다.

푸른 불꽃은 뉴에이지, 오컬트와 마법 사상에 널려 있다. 아드리안 전통에 따르면, 이것은 제단의 초점이다. 제단의 중심에 사발이 놓이는데, 특수한 액체로 채워져 있어서 푸른 불꽃으로 타오른다. 의식 환경에서 푸른 불꽃의  출현은 신(적 존재 Divinity)의 임재를 나타낸다. 불을 성스러운 상징으로 사용하는 것은 매우 고대적 행습이다.


뉴에이지 사이트에 의하면:

푸른 불꽃은 강한 힘과 에너지의 핵심 안에 있다. 첫번째 광선은 의도, 원인, 방향, 집중과 통일의 능력으로 나타나는데, 이것의 기조는 의지 - 신적 의지이다. 푸른 불꽃의 기본적 특성은 힘,권능, 믿음과 보호의 에너지를 통해서 나타난다.

(오컬트와 비교를 포함한) 종교, 신화와 전설에 관한 전자서고는 신성한 문서에 관해 이렇게 적는다:

푸른 색을 제외한 꿈에 나타나는 모든 색깔은 좋은 조짐이다. 왜냐 하면, (촛불의) 불꽃에서와도 같이, 이것(푸른색)은 그 아래에 있는 몸을 소멸하고 파괴하는 것을 우리가 보았기 때문이다. 이것은 세상을 뒤덮는 유파스(독나무) 또는 치명적인 나무로서, 그 아래에 있는 모든 것에게 치명적이다...(이하 생략)

이것도 역시 패트리샤 킹을 인용한 것이다:

푸른 불꽃은 불의 가장 뜨겁고 강렬한 부분으로서, 푸른 색은 종종 신적 계시, 하나님의 사랑, 그리고 열린 하늘의 예언적 상징이다.

여기에는 오컬티즘이 흐르고 있다. 패트리샤 킹의 문제는 오컬트의 사이비 행습을 기독교화하려는 것이다. 그녀는 말한다:

태양을 바라보자 나는 태양 중심으로 끌려감을 느꼈고, 그 때 이것-푸른 불꽃-을 보았다. 이것은 매우 아름다웠다. 나는 경외하고 존중해야 마땅한 이것의 힘을 느낄 수 있었으며, 또한 이것의 정열도 느꼈다. 주님은 내게 이해와 적용을 위한 세가지 포인트를 주셨는데 이것을 여러분과 나누도록 하겠다.

패트리샤 킹이 "태양을 바라보았을" 때, 이것은 태양바라보기(Sungazing)라고 불리는 것이다. 이것은 인도에서 일반적으로 수행된다. 이 행습의 지지자들에 의하면, 태양바라보기는 많은 고대인들에 의해 수행되었다. "이집트, 아즈텍, 마야, 인도요가, 북미인디언, 티벳요가, 팔기/태극 등의 기공의 초기 문명들"에서. 이집트인들과 다른 고대문명들은 태양숭배자로 알려져 있으며, 그들 일부가 태양바라보기를 했을 수 있다.



이것은 또한 쿤달리니 각성의 과정인 쿤달리니 요가에서도 설명되어 있다.

35분에서 40분 사이의 (9-10 개월의) 태양바라보기.....이 시점에서 당신은 당신의 차크라(chakras)가 깨어나는 것과 당신의 쿤달리니에서 에너지가 각성됨을 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 당신의 더 높은 자아를 알아가게 될수록 하루하루 에너지의 막힘이 해소될 것이다.

패트리샤 킹은 얼마동안이나 태양을 바라보았는지 모르지만, 이것을 수행하는 사람들은 비상한 체험을 가질 것이다. 패트리샤 킹은 이것이 하나님께로부터 왔다고 그릇 주장하는 것이다. 패트리샤 킹은 이슬람으로부터의 회심자인 파이잘 말릭을 인용한다:

주님의 푸른 불꽃은 계시와 지혜의 순수함을 나타낸다. 계시는 적절한 때에 감춰진 지혜를 드러내고 있다. 비밀은 하나님으로부터 감춰진 것이 아니라, 우리를 위해 하나님에 의해서 감춰졌다.

좋다. 성경에서 감춰진 지혜가 뜻하는 것이 무엇인가?


제프리 호드슨은 자유주의 카톨릭 신부, 신지학 교사, 신비주의자이며 영지주의 선견자였다. 그는 "많은 놀라운 성경책에 들어 있는 감춰진 지혜에 대한 이해가 깊어짐에 따라 이런 믿음이 강해지는 것이 나의 희망이다"고 말했다.


패트리샤 킹은 영지주의를 가르치고 있다. 그녀는 말했다:

지혜는 감춰진 계시이고 계시는 감춰진 지혜가 드러난 것이다. 감춰진 지혜가 이 땅에서 드러나는 카이로스의 시간이 오면, 아버지의 깊은 것이 우리 영의 깊은 것과 연결되며, 성령은 그분의 말씀의 씨앗 안에서 감싸인 계시지식으로 우리를 수태시킨다. 그 결과, 그리스도 안에서의 우리의 영광을 위해서 미리 정하신 감춰진 지혜가 풀린다.

이는 성경에 감춰진 지식이 있다고 말하는 또다른 방법이다. 영지주의는 이렇게 가르친다:

우리가 온전한 자들 중에서는 지혜를 말하노니 이는 이 세상의 지혜가 아니요 오직 은밀한 가운데 있는 하나님의 지혜를 말하는 것으로서 곧 감추어졌던 것인데 하나님이 우리의 영광을 위하여 만세 전에 미리 정하신 것이라 하나님이 자기를 사랑하는 자들을 위하여 예비하신 모든 것은 눈으로 보지 못하고 귀로 듣지 못하고 사람의 마음으로 생각하지도 못하였다 하였노라 오직 하나님이 성령으로 이것을 우리에게 보이셨으니 성령은 모든 것 곧 하나님의 깊은 것까지도 통달하시느니라 우리가 세상의 영을 받지 아니하고 오직 하나님으로부터 온 영을 받았으니 이는 우리로 하여금 하나님께서 우리에게 은혜로 주신 것들을 알게 하려 하심이라 육에 속한 사람은 하나님께서 우리에게 은혜로 주신 것들을 받지 아니하니라 육에 속한 사람은 하나님의 성령의 일들을 받지 아니하나니 이는 그것들이 그에게는 어리석게 보임이요, 또 그는 그것들을 알 수도 없나니 그러한 일은 영적으로 분별되기 때문이라 신령한 자는 모든 것을 판단하나 자기는 아무에게도 판단을 받지 아니하느니라

패트리샤 킹의 성경말씀에 대한 이해는 매우 보잘 것 없으며, 또한 사도 바울의 가르침과 반대되게 말한다. 포셋(유명한 성경주석가)은 고린도전서의 주제에 대해 이렇게 설명했다.

바울이 "(은밀한) 신비" 또는 "감춰진 지혜'(고린도전서 2:7)로 의미한 것은 복음 밖에 있는 어떤 전통을 말하는 것이 아니라, 하나님의 계획에 따라 감춰져 있다가 이제 모두에게 공표되어, 듣는 이의 내면의 삶이 그리스도의 형상으로 완전하게 변해감에 따라 지적으로 이해가 되는 지식의 보배가 펼쳐지는 것을 말한다. (이하 생략)

[2009/11/2 추가] 뉴에이지 "천사장" 명상 비디오<<에서 가져온 정보(?)이다. 푸른 불꽃은 마이클 천사장의 권능을 나타내며, 노란 불꽃은 지혜를, 분홍 불꽃은 사랑을, 흰 불꽃은 가브리엘의 순결을 뜻한다나?



패트리샤 킹과 오컬트: [3]



[3] 패트리샤 킹의 헤르메스학


이집트의 신 토트(Thoth)와 그리스 신 헤르메스(Hermes)를 조합한 헤르메스 트리스메기스투스의 위서에 입각한 신비주의 철학과 종교



점성술, 마법, 연금술 등을 연구하는 학문으로 오컬트과학 또는 신비술과 비슷하게 사용됨



천사의 오브(공모양물체 球體 Orbs)


그녀의 사이트에 나와있는 오브들의 사진]


패트리샤 킹은 천사의 오브에 대해 말을 많이 한다. 이 교설에 대해 알아 보자.

헨리 코넬리우스 아그리파가 쓴 "마법 또는 오컬트철학에 관한 세번째이자 마지막 책"이라는 헤르메스학에 관한 책에 의하면:

따라서 그들은 많은 지적존재(영) 또는 천사를 발명해야 했다. 그들은 또한 별들의 하늘에 천사들을 두어서, 그들이 별자리, 성단, 등급 그리고 별들을 지배할 수 있도록 하였다. 소요학파는 모든 별들의 오브에게 단 한 명씩의 천사를 배정했지만, 모든 별들이 고유의 서로 다른 힘과 영향력을 가졌기 때문에 (오브의) 천사들은 또한 지배천사를 갖는 것이 필요했다.

패트리샤 킹은 같은 주장을 한다:

우리 팀 멤버 두 명과 나는 포스퀘어 교회에서의 밤 집회를 위한 기도시간을 막 끝내고 있었다. 우리가 내려받은 것들에 대해 아버지를 찬양하고 있을 때, 우리를 위한 것이 아직 더 있음을 들었다. 그 때, 우리는 천사의 오브들이 우리의 머리 위에 있음을 알았다. 얼마나 영광스러운가! 하나님은 너무나 좋으시다!


우리는 이 하늘의 임재로 인해 그분께 찬양과 경배를 드리기 시작했다. 갑자기 우리 중의 한 명(셜리 로스)이 주의 말씀을 들었는데, 우리가 오브들이 있는 머리 위로 손뼉을 치라는 것이었다. 그렇게 하자 마치 오브들이 터져서 하늘의 영광이 쏟아지는 것 같았다! 다양한 색깔의 오브들이 나타나서 우리 머리 위로 방을 채웠다. 우리는 손뼉치고, 손뼉치고, 손뼉쳤다. 어떤 오브들은 진하고 달콤한 기름을 내렸다. 다른 오브들은 따끔한 느낌과 거품의 느낌을 남기기도 했다. 우리가 회복되고 새롭게 되고 권능을 받음에 따라 주님의 기쁨이 퍼졌다. 이 "터지는" 오브들은 주의 임재의 기름부음으로 우리를 감쌌으며, 그날 온종일 우리가 주로부터 받은 영감과 계시가 깊이 자리잡도록 도와주었다. 아버지 감사합니다!

우리는 이것을 성경 어디에서도 찾을 수 없다. 하지만, 우리는 이것을 다양한 저자들의 (헤르메스 문헌 등의) 오컬트 서적에서 찾을 수 있다. 이런 현시(顯示)의 배경에는 악령의 권능이 있으며 매우 위험하다. 다른 헤르메스 문서들의 서술들이다.


천사의 오브, 우주의 오브, 하늘의 오브에 관한 헤르메스적(오컬트적) 기록들


에드워드 불워-리튼 경은 이런 오브들의 경험을 "다가오는 종족"(일부 신지학자들이 사실로 여기는 소설)이란 그의 책에 썼다.

죄의 광선이 관통하지 않은 영역을 비추기 위해 나의 호스트와 동료시민들이 고안하는 데 들인 독창력과 아끼지 않는 비용을 칭찬합니다. 그러나, 어떻게 하늘의 오브들을 한 번 본 사람들이 그들(오브들)의 빛을 인간의 필요에 의해 발명된 인조의 빛과 비교할 수 있는지 상상할 수 없다.

엘리파 레비가 쓴 "위대한 미스테리로의 열쇠"에서 그는 이렇게 적고 있다. (엘리파 레비는 19세기의 위대한? 마법사로 추앙되는 인물임. 유명한 흑마법사 알리스터 크롤리는 자신이 엘리파 레비 사후 바로 태어난 것을 증거로 자신이 엘리파 레비의 환생이라고 주장했음)

교회 밑바닥에서 이런 소란이 계속되는 동안, 우리의 격변과 고통과는 무관심하게도 하늘의 오브들의 하모니가 끝없이 지속됨에 따라, 연도(連禱)의 노래는 함창으로 지속되었다.

신지학회의 공동설립자인 헬레나 (마담) 블라바츠키는 1875년에 모든 종교는 그들의 내적 가르침에 있어서는 진리이며 외적 (인습적) 현상들에는 문제가 있거나 불완전하다고 썼다. 비교(秘敎)적 영적 지식과 신과학을 연결한 그녀의 글은 뉴에이지 사고라고 불리는 것의 첫 사례가 되었다. 사실 많은 학자들이 뉴에이지 사상의 많은 것이 블라바츠키로부터 시작되었다고 느낀다.


블라바츠키는 그의 책 "시크릿 독트린"(뉴에이지 바이블로 불림)에서 오브에 대해 설명했다:

원(circle)은 싸이클이며, 바벨론 신이었는데, 그의 원형 지평(horizon)은 보이지 않는 것의 보이는 상징이었다. 반면에, 태양은 우주의 오브들이 나아가는 바로 한 원이었으며, 그것(오브)들의 리더로 여겨졌다.


(그리스) 사제들의 철학에서는, 이 보이지 않는 원들은 모든 하늘의 오브들의 원형적인 원인제공자이자 건설자였다. 오브들은 그것들의 보이는 몸이며 껍데기였으며, 그것들은 오브들의 영이었다. 이것은 틀림없이 고대의 보편적 가르침이었다.


오해가 생가지 않도록 말한다. 세 개의 비밀 오브(또는 별천사)들 중에 천왕성과 해왕성은 들어가지 않는다. 고대 성현들이 이들의 이름을 몰랐기 때문만이 아니라, 모든 다른 위성들은 지구의 다른 (7배수의) 체인의 신들과 보호자들이기 때문이다.


패트리샤 킹과 오컬트: [4]

     엑스타시스 워십댄스

[4] 엑스타시스 워십 댄스 ("Ekstasis" Worship Dancing)


패트리샤 킹은 그리스도에게로 오기 전에 오컬트와 뉴에이지 모두에 속해 있었음을 인정하고 있다. 그녀의 교설은 노골적으로 뉴에이지적이며, 그녀는 공개적으로 "뉴 미스틱(New Mystic 新 秘術師)"이라고 스스로를 칭한다. 그녀의 이교적 희롱거림의 최신판은 트랜스(초월) 댄스의 일종인 "엑스타시스(Ekstasis)"의 증진이다.  순회 DJ를 겸하고 있는 그녀의 순회 목사는 이것을 "클럽 미스테리오(Club Mysterio)"라고 부른다.


                [칼렙 브런딧지는 패트리샤 킹의 "익스트림 프로페틱"의 리더 중의 한 명이다]              


킹은 그녀의 사이트에서 칼렙 브런딧지(Caleb Brundidge)와 엑스타시 워십댄스의 영적 체험을 소개한다. 칼렙은 젊은이들을 상대로 한 헤비 록(Heavy Rock) 음악을 나르는 DJ이다. 그는 이 춤은 마음을 뛰어넘어서 하나님과 함께 엑스타시의 장소로 가는 것이라고 말한다. 댄서들은

(흥분된) 감정에 맡겨지도록 요청된다. 이 춤은 하나님과의 깊은 합일로 유도한다고 주장된다. (춤추는 동안) 말씀이 마음을 건너서 세포수준으로 들어가 당신의 일부가 된다. [따라서 성경을 공부할 필요도 앖다고 말함] 춤으로써 중보를 하는 것이다. 등등. 이것은 전적으로 몸의 움직임에 항복하는 것으로 보인다. 이것은 "레이브 댄싱"의 영적 동등물이다.


엑스타시스(엑스타시)는 고대 그리스어 ex-statis에서 유래되었는데, "자신의 밖에 선다" 또는 "다른 곳으로 치워진다"는 의미이다. 엑스타시스예배 또는 트랜스댄싱은 모든 이방문화에 알려져 있으며, 참가자를 엑스타시(황홀)라고 불리는 흥분상태로 가져가는 것을 뜻한다. 트랜스댄스는 많은 고대문명에 뿌리를 둔 "치유도구"이다. 샤먼(주술사)들도 이를 사용한다.


최면적 소리와 움직임은 댄서들은 황홀(엑스타시)상태, 변형된 의식상태로 올려준다. 이런 변형된 의식상태에 있을 때, 그들은 암시, 마인드콜트롤, 미혹의 영의 유혹, 그리고 자연적 쿤달리니각성에 문을 활짝 열게 된다.


DJ 칼렙의 엑스타시스 워십댄스 장면 두개이다.




어느 뉴에이지 저술가가 엑스타시 댄스에 관해 정의하고 설명한 것을 들어보자:

트랜스 댄스의 목적은 영들이 당신에게 도달할 수 있는 성스러운 지대(sacred zone) 속 장소로 당신을 데려가는 것이다... 트랜스 댄스에서, 리듬과 움직임은 음악과 결함해서 (우리를) 성스러운 영역으로 들어가게 해주는 변형된 의식상태를 만든다... 몸과 몸의 부분들이 움직이며 순간순간 매력을 느끼는 리듬을 표현함으로써, 마음의 명상 상태로 들어가며 더 깊은 신비적 실재로 들어갈 수 있게 한다. - 카렌 버그렌의 <샤만의 써클> 중에서

이제 패트리샤 킹이 그녀의 익스트림 프로페틱 사이트에 트랜스 댄싱 또는 "엑스타시스"에 관해 하는 말을 들어 보자:

DJ 칼렙과 클럽 미스테리오는 엑스타시스예배, 박자(비트), 전자음악표현, 댄스, 기도와 강력한 예언적 흐름을 결함시켜서 크리스천 레이브(광란 rave) 체험을 만든다. 클럽 미스테리오는 나이트클럽이 아니라 라이트(Light)클럽이다! 버려졌던 예배의 이 새로운 표현!은 당신이 춤추며 흐드러짐에 따라 당신의 믿음에 서게 하며, 주님의 임재와 (레이브의 참 대상인) 주님과의 친밀함의 깊은 비밀(미스테리)의 체험 속으로 밀어넣는다.

재미있게도 나는 또한 2007년 패트리샤 킹으로부터의 다음 내용의 우편 전단지를 발견할 수 있었다:

비밀 장소에서의 궁극의 파티에서 새해를 맞이하러 오십시오. 드럼, 베이스와 우리의 전자음악 마스터인 DJ 칼렙이 제공하는 딥하우스의 파워풀한 사운드와 엑스타시스 음악의 최면 사운드를 통해서 영광의 영역으로 들어가십시오.

         [패트리샤 팅의 "익스트림 프로페틱" 사이트의 DJ칼렙의 엑스타시스 집회 이벤트 안내]       


내가 엑스타시스댄스 사이트<<에 마주쳤을 때, 나는 이것과 패트리샤 킹의 클럽 미스테리오와의 놀라운 그리고 우연이 아닌 유사점들에 넋을 잃었다. 이 웹사이트는 이교적 뉴에이지 관점에서 쓰여졌으며, 캐나다 브리티쉬 콜롬비아 지방에 근거를 두고 있는데, 패트리샤는 그 지방 출신이다. 그들이 이런 종류의 댄스에 대해 하는 말을 들어 보자:

엑스타시스는 자신의 너머로 간다(moving beyind oneself)는 그리스어이다. 태고적부터, 우리의 일상체험을 초월하는 감각을 가지는 능력-강화된 의식의 상태로의 여행을 체험하고, 시간과 공간의 인지된 한계로부터의 자유를 찾는 능력-을 사람들은 깨달았다... 지금은 변혁적, 카타르시스적 체험을 통한 치유의 샤만(주술)적 유산을 되찾을 기회이다. 트랜스로 들어가는 춤을 출 때이다. 거기(트랜스)서 우리는 우리를 넘어서 신적존재와 연결하며 더 충만하고 권능적인 존재로의 비전을 가지고 돌아온다.

다음은 샴발라(뉴에이지 승격 마스터들의 거주처라고 주장되는 곳) 트랜스 비디오로서, 1분 20초 경부터 트랜스 댄스가 나온다.



다음은 DJ 칼렙의 발언과 요가 트랜스 댄스를 증진하는 증언들을 번갈아 놓은 것이다:

요기 나이트 클럽 댄서:

"고대 인도의 트랜스 댄스의 기원을 가장 잘 설명하기 위해 쉬바 나라타즈와의 개인적 연결을 추구하는 도중에, 나는 책들보다 더 깊이 들어가야 함을 느꼈다."

엑스타시스 워십 DJ:

"더 이상 말씀을 공부할 필요가 없다. 네가 고취된 분위기 속에 있으면, 이것(말씀)은 너의 일부가 된다."


요기 나이트 클럽 댄서:

"주 [쉬바 나라타즈]와 그가 나타내는 모든 것에 대한 사랑으로 고취된 나는 시대를 떠돌다 드디어 남부 인도 어떤 곳에서 육감적 탄트라 트랜스 댄스를 추고 있는 젊은 데바다시가 되었다."

엑스타시스 워십 DJ:

"엑스타시스 워십은 당신의 마음 밖으로 나가 하나님과의 버려진 예배로 당신을 방출하는 예배로서, 육감적 합일에서와 같은 하나님의 황홀로 들어가는 것이다."


요기 나이트 클럽 댄서:

"테크노 비트는 내 머리에서 셰나이의 날카로운 노래소리와 고대 석조 사원의 울리는 종소리의 리듬으로 나타났으며, 매료시키는 기도의 곡조가 되풀이되었다."

엑스타시스 워십 DJ:

"리듬과 사운드와 음악적 반복을 통해서, 말씀은 당신의 몸 속으로 들어간다. 혼으로만 아니고, 영으로만 아니고, 영, 육, 혼 전체로 들어간다."


요기 나이트 클럽 댄서:

"나타라자 트랜스가 나를 황홀하게 사로잡도록 함으로써 나는 내 몸이 시바만큼 늙은 사람처럼 익숙치 않은 방식으로 떨리는 것을 느꼈다. 이런 이상한 움직임들, 다른 시대로부터 온 도발적인 댄스 스텝은 무엇이었을까 ."

엑스타시스 워십 DJ:

"엑스타시스 워십은, 기도와 움직임 속에서, 당신의 몸을 거룩하고 받으실 만한 산 제사로 드리는 것을 몸으로 느끼며 춤추는 것이다. 빙빙 돌기 시작하라.. 설명되지 않는 일들이 생길 것이다."


요기 나이트 클럽 댄서:

"데바다시가 하는 모든 몸짓이 믿음의 메시지를 나른다는 것을 깨달았다. 트랜스 댄스는 이런 몸짓들의 깊은 의미 속으로 나를 밀어 넣었다. 나는 내가 시바 나타라즈의 현시(顯示)들이 말해주는 여러가지 감정들을 표현하고 있다는 것을 직감적으로 알아냈다."

엑스타시스 워십 DJ:

"당신이 당신의 감정과 예수 그리스도를 향한 사랑을 춤출 때, 영계에서뿐 아니라 자연계에서도 무슨 일인가 일어난다... 우리가 (말씀을) 선포하고 하나님을 찬양할 때, 뛰고, 춤추고, 움직일 때, 우리의 말은 당신의 몸 속의 세포 수준에서 하나가 된다. 당신이 말씀을 배우는 것이 아니라, 말씀이 당신의 일부가 되는 것이다."







Patricia King Exposed!!!

First Plumbline Apologetics

Patricia King states  [1]� “Recently while teaching at the Glory School in Dudley England. I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking toward the sun while in flight. Eagles (often biblical symbols of the prophetic in the natural) have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have this allows them to look directly into the sun without any damage to their vision. As I gazed at the sun, I could feel myself being drawn toward its center and then I saw it – the blue flame. It was so beautiful, I could feel its strength and its passion … May we gaze mm the fiery love of God. Let us prepare to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God “(Patricia King). This vision, however, in not original to King, and is replicated exactly in New Age teaching. Listen to an incantation to the ascended master and the “I AM”. “I invoke the blue flame which represents the divine power of my father God.”
The usual repertoire of gold dust, and precious stones and oil is normal fare for King and her network. Joshua Mills who ministers with King reports of eating gold leaves from the tree of life served up by angels and having a piano that plays by itself.

[2]� Extreme Prophetic & the blue flame of witchcraft.

Quote from Patricia King:


‘Recently while teaching at Glory School in Dudley, England, with Trevor and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun. Eagles (often a Biblical symbol of the prophetic) in the natural have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have. This allows them to look directly into the sun without damage to their vision.

As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.’ [3]� The sun and not the Lord? Are you a sun worshipper? Is this your God, Patricia?

Gnostic and shamanistic rubbish. The blue flame is all over new age and occult and witchcraft thought. [4]� In the Aridian Tradition, it is the focal point of the altar. A bowl is placed upon the center of the altar, and is filled with a special liquid, which will burn a blue flame. The appearance of the blue flame represents the presence of Divinity, within the ritual setting. The use of fire as a sacred symbol is one of the most ancient of practices.

Acording to a New Age website they state [5]� “The Blue Flame is in the core of the very strength and energy. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will – Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith and protection.”

In reference to sacred texts a archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics they state [6]� “All colors seen in dreams are of good omen, except blue; because, as in the flame, we have observed it consumes and destroys the body beneath it. It is the upas or deadly tree that overshadows the world, and is lethal to everything beneath it. If it be objected that there are angelic beings on high who, along with mankind are equally under the blue flame and yet are not consumed, our reply is that they, as existent beings, are celestial in their essence and, therefore, different from human existences who are to the blue flame what the candle is to the light.”

This is also quoted by Patricia King [7]� “The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God’s love, and an open Heaven.”

This has occultism running through it, the problem is Patricia King is trying to Christianise occultic and psudo practices, she states “As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.”

when Patricia King gazed into the sun, this is what we call Sungazing, this is commonly practiced in India, [8]� According to some of its proponents, sungazing was practiced by many ancients:

“[E]arly cultures of/in Egypt, the Aztecs, the Mayans, Indian Yoga, Native American tribes, Tibetan Yoga, and some traditions of QiGong (aka Qi Gung, Chi Kung), such as BaKua (aka BaGe, BaQi) and Tai Chi.”

The Egyptians and other ancient cultures are known to have been sun worshipers, and it is possible that some also sungazed.

By this I would question the spirit Patricia King is off, this is also explained in Kundalini Yoga, this process of kundalini awakening [9]� “Between 35 and 40 minutes (9-10 months) of sungazing …….. At this point you may also feel awakenings in your charkas as well as possible energy beginning to stir within your kundalini. Each day more energy blockages may be dissolved as you get closer and closer to your knowing your higher self.” Patricia King dose not explain how long she had been sun-gazing but people who practice this would have unusual experiances Patricia King in this case has mistakenly claimed this was from God.

Patricia King Quotes Faisal Malick “The blue flame of the Lord represents purity of revelation and wisdom. Revelation is unveiling hidden wisdom in the right season. Secrets are never hidden from God, but by HIM, for us. ”

Ok what is ment by hidden wisdom in the Bible ???

Geoffrey Hodson who was a [10]� Liberal Catholic Preist , [11]� Theosophical teacher, mystic and gnostic seer.  [12]� “my hope is that such faith may be strengthened by a deepening understanding of the hidden wisdom contained in the many wonderful books of our Bible.”

Patricia King is teaching gnosticism, she states [13]� “WISDOM IS REVELATION CONCEALED AND REVELATION IS HIDDEN WISDOM REVEALED. When the Kairos time comes for hidden wisdom to be revealed in the earth, the deep of the Father connects with the deep of our spirits, and Holy Spirit impregnates us with revelation knowledge wrapped in the seed of His Word. As a result, hidden wisdom foreordained unto our Glory in Christ is unlocked.”

This is another way of saying the Bible has Hidden Knowlege, the Gnostic Society teaches,  [14]� “We speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual discerneth all things; yet he himself is discerned of no man.

Patricia King’s understanding of Biblical Texts is very poor and also Patricia King dose speak contrary to the teachings of Paul, as [15]� A. R. FAUSSET explained on the subject of The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians “Paul does not mean by the “mystery” or “hidden wisdom” ( 1Cr 2:7 ) some hidden tradition distinct from the Gospel (like the Church of Rome’s disciplina arcani and doctrine of reserve), but the unfolding of the treasures of knowledge, once hidden in God’s counsels, but now announced to all, which would be intelligently comprehended in proportion as the hearer’s inner life became perfectly transformed into the image of Christ. Compare instances of such “mysteries,” that is, deeper Christian truths, not preached at Paul’s first coming to Corinth, when he confined himself to the fundamental elements ( 1Cr 2:2 ), but now spoken to the “perfect” ( 1Cr 15:51 Rom 11:25 Eph 3:5, 6 ). “Perfect” is used not of absolute perfection, but relatively to “babes,” or those less ripe in Christian growth (compare Phl 3:12, 15 , with 1Jo 2:12-14 ). “God” ( 1Cr 2:7 ) is opposed to the world, the apostles to “the princes [great and learned men] of this world” ( 1Cr 2:8 ; compare 1Cr 1:20 ) [BENGEL].”


Patricia King states [1] "Recently while teaching at the Glory School in Dudley England. I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking toward the sun while in flight. Eagles (often biblical symbols of the prophetic in the natural) have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have this allows them to look directly into the sun without any damage to their vision. As I gazed at the sun, I could feel myself being drawn toward its center and then I saw it - the blue flame. It was so beautiful, I could feel its strength and its passion ... May we gaze mm the fiery love of God. Let us prepare to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God "(Patricia King). This vision, however, in not original to King, and is replicated exactly in New Age teaching. Listen to an incantation to the ascended master and the “I AM”. "I invoke the blue flame which represents the divine power of my father God."

The usual repertoire of gold dust, precious stones and oil is normal fare for King and her network. Joshua Mills, who ministers with King, reports eating gold leaves from the tree of life served up by angels and having a piano that plays by itself.

[2] Extreme Prophetic & the blue flame of witchcraft.

Quote from Patricia King:


Recently while teaching at Glory School in Dudley, England, with Trevor and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun. Eagles (often a Biblical symbol of the prophetic) in the natural have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have. This allows them to look directly into the sun without damage to their vision.

As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.

[3] The sun and not the Lord? Are you a sun worshipper? Is this your God, Patricia?

Gnostic and shamanistic rubbish. The blue flame is all over new age, occultic and witchcraft thought.

[4] In the Aridian Tradition, it is the focal point of the altar. A bowl is placed upon the center of the altar, and is filled with a special liquid, which will burn a blue flame. The appearance of the blue flame represents the presence of Divinity, within the ritual setting. The use of fire as a sacred symbol is one of the most ancient of practices.

Acording to a New Age website they state [5] "The Blue Flame is in the core of the very strength and energy. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will - Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith and protection."

In reference to sacred texts an archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore (including occult and esoteric topics) they state [6] "All colors seen in dreams are of good omen, except blue; because, as in the flame, we have observed it consumes and destroys the body beneath it. It is the upas or deadly tree that overshadows the world, and is lethal to everything beneath it. If it be objected that there are angelic beings on high who, along with mankind are equally under the blue flame and yet are not consumed, our reply is that they, as existent beings, are celestial in their essence and, therefore, different from human existences who are to the blue flame what the candle is to the light."

This is also quoted by Patricia King [7] "The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God's love, and an open Heaven."

This has occultism running through it. The problem is Patricia King is trying to Christianise occultic and "pseudo practices", she states "As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it--the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you."

When Patricia King "gazed into the sun," this is what is called Sungazing. It is commonly practiced in India. [8] According to some of its proponents, sungazing was practiced by many ancients:

"[E]arly cultures of/in Egypt, the Aztecs, the Mayans, Indian Yoga, Native American tribes, Tibetan Yoga, and some traditions of QiGong (aka Qi Gung, Chi Kung), such as BaKua (aka BaGe, BaQi) and Tai Chi."

The Egyptians and other ancient cultures are known to have been sun worshippers, and it is possible that some also sungazed.

By this I would question the spirit Patricia King is of. It is also explained in Kundalini Yoga, this process of kundalini awakening [9] "Between 35 and 40 minutes (9-10 months) of sungazing ........ At this point you may also feel awakenings in your charkas as well as possible energy beginning to stir within your kundalini. Each day more energy blockages may be dissolved as you get closer and closer to your knowing your higher self." Patricia King does not explain how long she had been sun-gazing but people who practice this would have unusual experiences. Patricia King, in this case, has mistakenly claimed this was from God.

Patricia King Quotes Faisal Malick (a convert from Islam)"The blue flame of the Lord represents purity of revelation and wisdom. Revelation is unveiling hidden wisdom in the right season. Secrets are never hidden from God, but by HIM, for us. "

Ok, what is meant by hidden wisdom in the Bible ???

The late Geoffrey Hodson a [10] Liberal Catholic Priest ,[11] Theosophical teacher, mystic and gnostic seer. [12]"my hope is that such faith may be strengthened by a deepening understanding of the hidden wisdom contained in the many wonderful books of our Bible."

Patricia King is teaching gnosticism. She states [13] "WISDOM IS REVELATION CONCEALED AND REVELATION IS HIDDEN WISDOM REVEALED. When the Kairos time comes for hidden wisdom to be revealed in the earth, the deep of the Father connects with the deep of our spirits, and Holy Spirit impregnates us with revelation knowledge wrapped in the seed of His Word. As a result, hidden wisdom foreordained unto our Glory in Christ is unlocked."

This is another way of saying that the Bible has Hidden Knowlege. The Gnostic Society teaches, [14]"We speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual discerneth all things; yet he himself is discerned of no man."

Patricia King's understanding of Biblical Texts is very poor and also Patricia King does speak contrary to the teachings of Paul. [15] A. R. FAUSSET explained on the subject in The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians "Paul does not mean by the "mystery" or "hidden wisdom" ( 1Cr 2:7 ) some hidden tradition distinct from the Gospel (like the Church of Rome's disciplina arcani and doctrine of reserve), but the unfolding of the treasures of knowledge, once hidden in God's counsels, but now announced to all, which would be intelligently comprehended in proportion as the hearer's inner life became perfectly transformed into the image of Christ. Compare instances of such "mysteries," that is, deeper Christian truths, not preached at Paul's first coming to Corinth, when he confined himself to the fundamental elements ( 1Cr 2:2 ), but now spoken to the "perfect" ( 1Cr 15:51 Rom 11:25 Eph 3:5, 6 ). "Perfect" is used not of absolute perfection, but relatively to "babes," or those less ripe in Christian growth (compare Phl 3:12, 15 , with 1Jo 2:12-14 ). "God" ( 1Cr 2:7 ) is opposed to the world, the apostles to "the princes [great and learned men] of this world" ( 1Cr 2:8 ; compare 1Cr 1:20 ) [BENGEL]."


[1] http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/orrel30.html

[2] http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word

[3] http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com
/2007/11 /20/patricia-king-extreme-prophetic-the
-blue-f lame-of-witchcraft/

[3] http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word

[4] http://www.paganlibrary.com/reference/on_here

[5] http://www.sunnyray.org/7rays.htm

[6] http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/zdm/zdm038.htm

[7] http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_wo

[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sungazing

[9] http://www.sungazing.com/652.html

[10] http://www.global.org/Pub/

[11] http://geoffreyhodson.iinet.net.au/

[12] http://www.global.org/Pub/GH_Wisdom

[13] http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_

[14] http://www.gnosis.org/ecclesia/lect079.htm

[15] http://www.blueletterbible.org


Patricia King-

Embracing the Blue Flame
/Mysticism [2]



In the October 2006 issue of the Elijah List, New Mystic Patricia King encourages readers to enthusiastically embrace the Blue Flame. Anyone with even cursory knowledge of New Age or the occult knows that the “blue flame” is not something a Christian should be embracing. However let’s look at what she says and then compare it to what the occultist and New Agers have to say.

For the last number of months, I have had recurring nudges from the Holy Spirit to meditate on the phrase, "The Blue Flame of the Lord." [There is no such thing in scripture]

The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God's love, and an open Heaven
Recently while teaching at Glory School in Dudley, England, with Trevor and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun. Eagles (often a Biblical symbol of the prophetic) in the natural have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have. This allows them to look directly into the sun without damage to their vision.

As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it--the Blue Flame. [You flew up like an eagle into the sun and its center was a blue flame?] It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, [huh? We are to fear and respect the mystical blue flame? What?] and also I felt its passion. [Ok..It’s a passionate blue flame?] The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.

1. The Blue Flame Speaks of Divine Revelation
2. The Blue Flames Speaks of His Passionate Love
3. The Blue Flame Speaks of the Essence of Heaven

When examining the Scriptures, it appears that blue (found in the sapphire) is a significant color in Heaven. In fact, the pavement under God's feet is sapphire. Exodus 24:10, "And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of Heaven in His clearness."

We also find that the foundations of the walls of the Heavenly Jerusalem include sapphire stones (Revelation 21:19).

In the natural, when we look up into the sky, we see "blue." Blue is the color that symbolizes the Open Heaven.
[Following her logic.. there is sapphire in heaven, and the sky is blue and therefore we must all embrace the mystical blue flame]

May we gaze with a renewed focus into the intense fiery love of God. [Fiery love of God?] Let's prepare ourselves to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God [there are no deep hidden mysteries of God] and await authentic encounters with the very atmosphere of Heaven.
Let's embrace the Blue Flame and allow Him to burn strong in our hearts. May we truly be known as those He makes to be His ministers--flames of fire (Psalm 104:4). [Embrace the blue flame??? This is openly New Age]
Well now that we have heard Patricia’s version of the Blue Flame lets see what the New Agers and occultists have to say about it.
“I envision this blue flame going out to the world at a very rapid pace. I invite all those who want to help in this project -- to help spread this blue flame of energy, this flame of healing out to the world -- I invite you all to come now, come and be initiated! Come and let me embrace you personally!”  The Blue Ray of Light http://www.sunnyray.org/7rays.htm
“Visualize before you a blue flame.  Begin to walk toward this flame; know that it is safe to walk into the flame for it will not harm you.  When you are ready, step into the blue flame.  Feel your body surrounded by the blue flame.  As you stand within the blue flame, begin to allow all your fears
to rise to your heart chakra and be released into the blue flame. 
Allow your heart to surrender the fear to the blue flame.  See all your fears being dissolved.  Now as your fears are being dissolved, allow the empty space to be filled with Universal Light.  Breathe in the White Light of the Universe.  Feel it fill your body. Feel it fill your cells until your nerve endings are tingling and alive with the energy of the Universal Light” Releasing Fear with the violet, silver and Blue Flames    www.Awakening-Healing.com
Do you see any difference between the New Age descriptions of the Blue Flame and Patricia’s? When our prophesies and doctrines start lining up directly with the New Age then I would say we have a serious problem.  Forget the mystical Blue Flame and embrace the word of God which is the only sure word of prophecy.









“Patricia King’s Hermetics Examined [3]

There are many strange manifestations happening more than ever. What is happening in the churches today and how can this be explained? This page is to shed light on the subject. There is more to this woman then meets the eye, here are some things to consider in this description of what Patricia King is promoting.

Hermetics Teaches:

Considers humanity to be on a spiritual journey to return to a state of unity with the Divine; this is the Great Work of humankind.

Holds that if we would attain to the Divine, we must aspire to the Divine; spiritual growth cannot be achieved without human effort

Is polytheistic, yet ultimately monotheisitic (i.e., posits a multiplicity of Manifestations of the Divine Which emanate from an ultimate Divine Unity)

Holds that the Divine is both immanent and transcendent

Holds that the Universe is Divine and basically good

Teaches that when we seek the Divine, we may best begin with the Mysteries of Nature

Encourages spiritual curiosity

Understands that human beings can access the Subtle Realms through technique and aspiration; to this end, it embraces theurgy, meditation, ritual, and other spiritual and magical practices

Urges those who seek the Divine to also seek balance in embracing all things.

Angel Orbs, (click here to see a picture from Patricia King's website)

Patricia King talks alot about Angel Orbs, let’s examine this teaching, acording to the Book on Hermetics, [1] “The third and last Book of Magick, or Occult Philosophy; written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.”

“therefore they invented so many Intelligences or Angels; they placed also in the Starry heaven, Angels, who might rule the signs, triplicities, decans, quinaries, degrees and Stars; for although the school of the Peripateticks assigne one onely intelligence to each of the Orbs of the Stars: yet seeing every Star and small part of the heaven hath its proper and different power and influence, it is necessary that it also have his ruling intelligence”

Patricia King: makes the same claim.

Stated, [2] “Two members of our team and I had just finished a prayer session to prepare for our evening meeting at Tim and Cindy McGill’s Four Square Church. As we were praising the Father for the downloads we had received, we heard that there was still more for us. That’s when we noticed the presence of angelic orbs over our heads. How glorious! God is so good!”

“We began to praise and worship Him for this Heavenly Presence. All of a sudden, one of our team (Shirley Ross), heard from the Lord that we were to clap our hands together over our heads where the orbs were. When we did, it was as if the orbs burst open and showered us in Heavenly Glory! Different colored orbs appeared and filled the room over our heads. We clapped and clapped and clapped. Some of the orbs rained down a thick, sweet oil. Others left us feeling tingly and effervescent. The Joy of the Lord was everywhere as we were refreshed, renewed and empowered. These “exploding” orbs covered us in an anointing of His Presence and also helped to deeply seat the inspiration and revelation we had received from Him throughout that day. Thank you Father! ”

Nowhere do you find this in the Bible, however you do find this stuff in occult books such as Hermetical writings by various authors. There is a demonic power behind these manifestations and there is a danger in this. Other hermetical writers give their descriptions.

Hermetical writings on Angel Orbs, Cosmic Orbs and Heavenly Orbs.

Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote about his experiences of these Orbs in his book “The Coming Race,” (a novel that some theosophists accepted as truth) [3]

He states “I Admired the ingenuity and disregard of expense with which my host and his fellow-citixens had contrived to illumine the regions unpenetrated by the rays of the sin, yet I could not conceibe how any who had once beheld the orbs of heaven could compare to their lustre the artificial lights invented by the necessities of man.”

“La Clef des Grands Mystères” (The Key to the Great Mysteries) written by Eliphas Levi, interesting that Aleister Crowley took a intrest in Eliphas Levi claiming to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Lévi and offered as evidence the statement that Crowley was born shortly after Lévi died. Lévi states [La Clef des Grands Mystères (The Key to the Great Mysteries), P98],

And while all this tumult was going on at the bottom of the church, the singing of the litanies continued in the choir, {170} as the harmony of the orbs of heaven goes on for ever, careless in our revolations and of our anguish.

Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society. in September 1875, Madame Blavatsky wrote that all religions were both true in their inner teachings and problematic or imperfect in their external conventional manifestations. Her writings connecting esoteric spiritual knowledge with new science may be considered to be the first instance of what is now called New Age thinking. In fact, many researchers feel that much of New Age thought started with Blavatsky.

Author of “ISIS UNVEILED.”

[[Vol. 1, Page 114]] THE SECRET DOCTRINE. For the
circle is Sar, and Saros, or cycle, and was the Babylonian god whose circular horizon was the visible symbol of the invisible, while the sun was the ONE Circle from which proceeded the Cosmic orbs, and of which he was considered the leader.

[[Page 673]] In the primitive philosophy of the Hierophants these invisible circles were the prototypic causes and builders of all the heavenly orbs, which were their visible bodies or coverings, and of which they were the souls. It was certainly a universal teaching in antiquity.

[[Page 696]] In order to avoid creating new misconceptions, let it be stated that among the three secret orbs (or star-angels) neither Uranus nor Neptune entered; not only because they were unknown under these names to the ancient Sages, but because they, as all other planets, however many there may be, are the gods and guardians of other septenary chains of globes within our systems.

What are Astral Projections ??

[6]� Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is experienced as being “out of the body”. Unlike dreaming or near death experiences, astral projection is practiced deliberately.

The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the soul’s journey or “ascent” is described in such terms as “an…out-of-body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘other’ realms.”

[7]� Watch Patricia King promote Jason Westerfield teaching Transport and Translation in the Spirit

“God is moving in the earth today … literally! He is
moving believers all over the place by transporting and translating them in the Spirit! More and more people seem to be having experiences where God supernaturally takes them places. ”

“In this video, Patricia and Jason share from the Bible and from personal experiences about translation and transportation in the Spirit. As they share, you will not only learn about God’s ability to supernaturally move you from place to place, but we believe you will receive an impartation for transportation and translation in the Spirit. After all, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So get ready!”

[8]� Acording to the Psychic’s and Medium’s Network “Astral projection is a form of out of body experience that sometimes occurs during lucid dreaming during deep meditation or at times of crisis. The soul moves into an astral body (or “etheric double”), which moves free of the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. Astral Travel is spoken about in may mystical texts and has more recently been studied by scientists investigating reports of people who have has a near death experience.”

[9]� An Astral Realms site states “The nature of the soul seems to be much more complex and multi-dimensional that originally thought. With the progress of modern physics and parapsychology it seems that the nature of our consciousness may be the creative driving force behind the forms and shapes of the physical world. Our physical reality is just an extension of a larger tapestry of the spiritual world.

“I awaken to the sensation of intense vibrations and buzzing throughout my body. I recognize that I’m ready to separate and immediately think about floating. The vibrations and sounds rapidly diminish as I separate and float up to the ceiling. Out of instinct I reach out my arms to touch the ceiling, but instead of touching, my hands slowly enter the tingling vibrational substance of the ceiling. I can feel a slight resistance as my hands and arms move through the ceiling. Moving slowly upward, my body enters and passes through the insulation, rafters, and attic.” - William Buhlman

Adventures Beyond the Body.

The soul survives death time after time; and can, with the proper training, travel outside your body. This is called Astral Projection.

Patricia King and “The Third Heaven”- yet more hermetics

According to Particia King [10] “This, of course, is a huge teaching that we go through very carefully in our Glory School , building it line upon line. The bottom line, however, is this: as born-again Christians we have already been given everything that pertains to life and godliness… we have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ… we are already seated in the heavenly places with Him … and we are to access all the covenant promises by faith. The righteous lives by his faith.”

While Patricia King quotes scripture and speaks on the subject we find that a hermetisist would also use the Bible in order to describe the same issues.

The third and last Book of Magick, or Occult Philosophy; written by Henry Cornelius Agrippa.

[p56] “if at any time it shall obtain its proper nature, and being no way oppressed by the allurements of the senses, shall persevere both uncorrupted and like it self; but now for example, that the souls abound with so plentifull Light of the Celestiall Stars, and hence, a very great abundance of light redoundeth into their bodies; so Moses face did shine, that the children of Israel could not behold him by reason of the brightness of his countenance; thus Socrates was transfigured, as we read, that in light he overcame the luciferous wheels of the Sun; So Zoroastes [Zoroaster] being transfigured, his body was taken up. So Eliah and Enoch ascended to heaven in a certain fiery chariot, so Paul was rapt up into the third heaven: So our bodies after the judgement of the world, shall be called Glorified, and in like manner be rapt up, and we may say by this means, shall shine as the Sun and Moon; which thing that it is possible, and hath formerly been done, Avicebron the Moore, and Avicen the Arabian and Hippocrates of Cous, and all the school of the Chaldeans [Chaldaeans] do acknowledge and confirm:”

[p94] “But our intellect being included in the corruptible flesh, unless it shall exceed the way of the flesh, and obtain a proper nature, cannot be united to these vertues (for like to like) and is in searching into these occult secrets of God, and nature, altogether efficacious; for it is no easy thing for us to ascend to the heavens. For how shall he that hath lost himself in mortal dust, and ashes, find God? How shall he apprehend spiritual things that is swallowed up in flesh and blood? Can man see God, and live? What fruit shall a grain of corn bear if it be not first dead? For we must dye [die], I say dye to the world, and to the flesh, and all senses, and to the whole man animal, who would enter into these closets of secrets, not because the body is separated from the soul, but because the soul leaves the body: of which death Paul wrote to the Collossians [Colossians]: Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ: And elsswhere he speaks more clearly of himself. I know a man, whether in the body, or out of the body I cannot tell, God knows, caught up unto the third heaven, &c. I say by this death, pretious [precious] in the sight of God, we must dye [die], which happens to few, and perhaps not alwaies. For very few whom God loves, and are vertuous [virtuous], are made so happy. And first those that are born, not of flesh and blood, but of God. Secondly those that are dignified to it by the blessing of nature, and the heavens at their birth.”

[11] The CANADIAN THEOSOPHICAL ASSOCIATION explains the Third Heaven:

“Being in the trance condition, or in Christ, as he calls it, he was caught up to the third heaven, and could not determine whether he was in the body or out of the body. Here he identifies his Christ with a condition of being, and that condition with the abnormal phenomena known to some of us who have studied Modern Spiritualism. This is the Gnostic Christ, not the Christ of any special historic personality, who is supposed to have manifested only once upon a time, and once for all. The Christ of the Gnosis, of Philo and of Paul preceded Christianity, and is sure to supersede it, because it is based upon facts known in nature and verifiable to-day. It was those who were entirely ignorant of those subtle and obscure facts, unfolded in the Mysteries, who became Christians in the modern sense, and believed, because they were blind. Paul was both a Seer and a Knower. He became one of the public demonstrators of the facts, just like any itinerant medium of our time.”

This is no different from what Patricia King is promoting, acording to a woman nicknamed Rahab, one of Patricia King’s disciples, she would have no problems with Gnostic/theosophical teachings, [12]

“I have walked for most of my Christian life without “seeing” and being surrounded by people who do. My daughter is a seer. That is really hard to deal with as a parent, having a child that walks in a spiritual reality that you do not. I have learned more about the ways of God from my child when she was 5 than I ever thought possible.”

What About Todd Bentley?

Even Patricia King would have no problems with the Gnostic/theosophical teachings on the Third Heaven.

[13]� Pastor Bill Randles states “Patricia King the host spoke for many when she proclaimed Todd as an “awesome man of power who is a Seer’. She also announced that Todd has brought “a million people into the Kingdom of God in the last eight years”. Todd was guest on the show with his mentor, another great prophet - Bob Jones. His resume was equally impressive- King described Him as “a champion of the Seer realm”, and “one of the most accurate of prophets of our generation”, and she thanked him for being a “father of the faith”, as well as a seer-prophet.”

Back to the Third Heaven.

[14]� Acording to Gnostic Notes Blog, New Age Gnostic Leland R. Kaiser, Ph.D states.

“Gnosticism is based on a very simple premise – all things issue from the same Source and are therefore are interconnected from their point of origin. Therefore, you can start with anything and trace it back to everything. This means everything exists at both a surface level and at a depth level. So you can understand anything at various levels of penetration. If you are happy at the surface level, that is where you should stay. If you want to dive into levels of greater depth, you will be involved in the pursuit of Gnosis. If you continue in this endeavor - you will eventually become a Gnostic.

At the surface level you can simply accept that Jesus was aware of things going on in distant places. At a depth level, you can learn the art and science of remote viewing. At a surface level, you read about John being caught up in the third heaven. At a depth level you can learn to become conscious in the fourth dimension.

So, Gnosis is not essential for your salvation. It is for your edification. You can read in the Bible about the apostles going about healing and teaching or you gain the Gnostic insights that enable you to become a spiritual healer and teacher.”

Patricia King on “Impressions in the Imagination”

[15]� “We, at Extreme Prophetic, teach that the most common ways for believers and prophets to hear from God is through “God thoughts” (in the mind) or through “God pictures” (impressions in the imagination).”

“Our instruction involves making people alert to how the Lord is speaking to them and how He can communicate revelation to them. Our instruction involves the cleansing and sanctification of the mind and imagination so it is set apart for God to use. We teach students how to grow in their ability to hear from the Holy Spirit in these ways by submitting their minds to the reading of the scriptures and to strengthen the sanctification process of the imagination by submitting it to the visions in the scriptures.”

This is what is known as “Sanctified Imagination” or “The technique of visualisation.” This is dangerous, it is one way that the occult has come into the churches. Patricia King and her team advise people to ‘picture the scene’ as if you were present and could actually see it.

Pat Franklin writes, [16]� “Another terrible error in the Anglican prayer book was in a section on ‘Bible Reading’. Even here, urging people to read the Bible, they managed to get it dangerously wrong. The book advises people to ‘picture the scene’ as if you were present and could actually see it. This is the technique of visualisation. It is an occult technique, and it is spiritually dangerous. It is one way the occult has come into the church, by people ‘visualising’. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to visualise anything. Faith comes by hearing, not by visualising. Witch doctors visualise when they cast their occult spells. It is an open door to demonic activity. Some today call it using your ’sanctified imagination’, but they are wrong. They are playing with fire and they will probably get burnt.”

[17]� Alison Lentini who was involved in Wicca and neo-paganism, before coming to know Christ, explains:

“Perhaps the definitive example of Lewis’s ability to submit his lively enthusiasm for the mythology of classical humanism to his orthodox Christian faith is found in the luminous account of the creation of Narnia, when the wild, deep voice of the Lion summons into being all manner of mythical creature–”Fauns and Satyrs and Dwarfs. the river god with his Naiad daughters”–and all reply: “Hail, Aslan. We hear and obey.”34

The freedom with which Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, and G. K. Chesterton baptized myth and magic in works of Christ-centered, “sanctified imagination” may appear unwise and even shocking to Christian readers in today’s syncretistic climate. Nonetheless, that freedom was directly proportional to the strength of their commitment to an orthodox Christian worldview and their passion for the preeminence of Christ, the Everlasting Man who was God’s answer to both demons and philosophers.35 Without such a severely limiting framework, “the old religion” of natural magic follows a predictable expansion and devolution into darker and more unnatural forms……..”

‘Sanctified Imagination’ and the New Age.

[18]� In an article entitled Education in the New Age, published in the February, 1978, issue of the New Age journal, Jack Canfield states, “If you’re teaching in public school, don’t call it meditation, call it ‘centering.’ ”

This is no different from what Patricia King is promoting.
“Are we to gather that parents just wouldn’t understand were these techniques called by their real names? Are these people afraid that parents wouldn’t approve were they to know the truth?

Parents need to understand that guided imagery and guided fantasy use techniques that place children in altered states of consciousness and amount to psychotherapy and psycho hypnosis in the classroom, by teachers neither trained nor licensed to use these powerful psychological tools, begging the question of medical malpractice. Recently, an Eastern Washington elementary teacher took his class through a guided fantasy outlined in a teacher’s guide while his students were lying on the floor in a darkened classroom. He became concerned when he had difficulty bringing one of his students back to full consciousness. Other children have had involuntary flashbacks while in a conscious state. The result of improper use of these techniques can be very detrimental to children. Psychotherapists are medically trained and licensed to use these procedures, teachers are not. Parents also need to know that children in altered states of consciousness are very open to suggestion.

Other terms used relative to these techniques that parents should be aware of are alpha state, altered state of consciousness, dream wanderings, intuitive thinking, imagery, meditation, right brain tapping, sanctified imagination, creative imagery, concentrating our energies, relaxation exercises, contacting one’s higher self, self-esteem, psycho physiological exercise, and guardian spirits.

By whatever name they are called, these techniques are part of a theology (religion) known as New Age. The underlying premise of New Age theology has been recognized by the courts as a religion, making any use of the techniques and theology relevant thereto illegal in the classroom in accordance with Article IX, Section 4, of the Washington State Constitution.”

To Summarise Patricia King’s teachings and practices are no different to the teachings and practices of occultism. Patricia King justifies this by hiding these practices behind christology, this is what we call syncrotism, Patricia King is trying to Christianize Occultic, Alchemic and New Age practices. What do the scriptures teach us about this,

“There shall not be found among you any one … that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord…” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

Patricia King and her teachings are to be kept well away from. Click here to send us your thoughts on this article.

  1. http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/magic/Agrippa3.pdf
  2. http://www.extremeprophetic.com/archivesitem.php?
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Coming_Race
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemy
  5. - http://www.xpmedia.com/ask_patricia_pg1.htm
  6. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection
  7. - http://www.injesus.com/index.php?module=message&t
  8. - http://www.psychics.co.uk/astraltravel/
  9. - http://www.astralrealms.com/
  10. http://www.extremeprophetic.com/ask_patricia_pg2.htm 
  11. http://www.theosophical.ca/PaulOpponent.htm
  12. - http://rahabsplace.wordpress.com/2007/08/02/
  13. - http://www.believersingrace.citymax.com/
  14. - http://gnosticnotes.blogspot.com/2007/09/gnostic-means-depth.html
  15. - http://www.extremeprophetic.com/ask_patricia_pg3.htm
  16. - http://www.thefreepressonline.co.uk/news/1/517.htm 
  17. - http://www.scp-inc.org/publications/journals/J2304
  18. - http://www.learn-usa.com/education_transformation/er029.htm




Patricia King Exposed!!!

First Plumbline Apologetics

Patricia King states  [1]� “Recently while teaching at the Glory School in Dudley England. I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking toward the sun while in flight. Eagles (often biblical symbols of the prophetic in the natural) have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have this allows them to look directly into the sun without any damage to their vision. As I gazed at the sun, I could feel myself being drawn toward its center and then I saw it – the blue flame. It was so beautiful, I could feel its strength and its passion … May we gaze mm the fiery love of God. Let us prepare to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God “(Patricia King). This vision, however, in not original to King, and is replicated exactly in New Age teaching. Listen to an incantation to the ascended master and the “I AM”. “I invoke the blue flame which represents the divine power of my father God.”
The usual repertoire of gold dust, and precious stones and oil is normal fare for King and her network. Joshua Mills who ministers with King reports of eating gold leaves from the tree of life served up by angels and having a piano that plays by itself.

[2]� Extreme Prophetic & the blue flame of witchcraft.

Quote from Patricia King:


‘Recently while teaching at Glory School in Dudley, England, with Trevor and Sharon Baker, I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flame of the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun. Eagles (often a Biblical symbol of the prophetic) in the natural have an extra membrane over their eyes that other birds do not have. This allows them to look directly into the sun without damage to their vision.

As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.’ [3]� The sun and not the Lord? Are you a sun worshipper? Is this your God, Patricia?

Gnostic and shamanistic rubbish. The blue flame is all over new age and occult and witchcraft thought. [4]� In the Aridian Tradition, it is the focal point of the altar. A bowl is placed upon the center of the altar, and is filled with a special liquid, which will burn a blue flame. The appearance of the blue flame represents the presence of Divinity, within the ritual setting. The use of fire as a sacred symbol is one of the most ancient of practices.

Acording to a New Age website they state [5]� “The Blue Flame is in the core of the very strength and energy. The first Ray is represented in the power of intent, cause, direction, centralization and unity, and its keynote is will – Divine Will. The basic qualities of the Blue Flame are manifested through the energies of power, strength, faith and protection.”

In reference to sacred texts a archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics they state [6]� “All colors seen in dreams are of good omen, except blue; because, as in the flame, we have observed it consumes and destroys the body beneath it. It is the upas or deadly tree that overshadows the world, and is lethal to everything beneath it. If it be objected that there are angelic beings on high who, along with mankind are equally under the blue flame and yet are not consumed, our reply is that they, as existent beings, are celestial in their essence and, therefore, different from human existences who are to the blue flame what the candle is to the light.”

This is also quoted by Patricia King [7]� “The blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God’s love, and an open Heaven.”

This has occultism running through it, the problem is Patricia King is trying to Christianise occultic and psudo practices, she states “As I gazed into the sun, I could feel myself being drawn towards its center, and that is when I saw it–the Blue Flame. It was so beautiful. I could feel its strength that is to be feared and respected, and also I felt its passion. The Lord gave me three points of understanding and application that I would like to share with you.”

when Patricia King gazed into the sun, this is what we call Sungazing, this is commonly practiced in India, [8]� According to some of its proponents, sungazing was practiced by many ancients:

“[E]arly cultures of/in Egypt, the Aztecs, the Mayans, Indian Yoga, Native American tribes, Tibetan Yoga, and some traditions of QiGong (aka Qi Gung, Chi Kung), such as BaKua (aka BaGe, BaQi) and Tai Chi.”

The Egyptians and other ancient cultures are known to have been sun worshipers, and it is possible that some also sungazed.

By this I would question the spirit Patricia King is off, this is also explained in Kundalini Yoga, this process of kundalini awakening [9]� “Between 35 and 40 minutes (9-10 months) of sungazing …….. At this point you may also feel awakenings in your charkas as well as possible energy beginning to stir within your kundalini. Each day more energy blockages may be dissolved as you get closer and closer to your knowing your higher self.” Patricia King dose not explain how long she had been sun-gazing but people who practice this would have unusual experiances Patricia King in this case has mistakenly claimed this was from God.

Patricia King Quotes Faisal Malick “The blue flame of the Lord represents purity of revelation and wisdom. Revelation is unveiling hidden wisdom in the right season. Secrets are never hidden from God, but by HIM, for us. ”

Ok what is ment by hidden wisdom in the Bible ???

Geoffrey Hodson who was a [10]� Liberal Catholic Preist , [11]� Theosophical teacher, mystic and gnostic seer.  [12]� “my hope is that such faith may be strengthened by a deepening understanding of the hidden wisdom contained in the many wonderful books of our Bible.”

Patricia King is teaching gnosticism, she states [13]� “WISDOM IS REVELATION CONCEALED AND REVELATION IS HIDDEN WISDOM REVEALED. When the Kairos time comes for hidden wisdom to be revealed in the earth, the deep of the Father connects with the deep of our spirits, and Holy Spirit impregnates us with revelation knowledge wrapped in the seed of His Word. As a result, hidden wisdom foreordained unto our Glory in Christ is unlocked.”

This is another way of saying the Bible has Hidden Knowlege, the Gnostic Society teaches,  [14]� “We speak wisdom among them that are perfect; yet not the wisdom of this world. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things that are freely given to us of God. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual discerneth all things; yet he himself is discerned of no man.

Patricia King’s understanding of Biblical Texts is very poor and also Patricia King dose speak contrary to the teachings of Paul, as [15]� A. R. FAUSSET explained on the subject of The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians “Paul does not mean by the “mystery” or “hidden wisdom” ( 1Cr 2:7 ) some hidden tradition distinct from the Gospel (like the Church of Rome’s disciplina arcani and doctrine of reserve), but the unfolding of the treasures of knowledge, once hidden in God’s counsels, but now announced to all, which would be intelligently comprehended in proportion as the hearer’s inner life became perfectly transformed into the image of Christ. Compare instances of such “mysteries,” that is, deeper Christian truths, not preached at Paul’s first coming to Corinth, when he confined himself to the fundamental elements ( 1Cr 2:2 ), but now spoken to the “perfect” ( 1Cr 15:51 Rom 11:25 Eph 3:5, 6 ). “Perfect” is used not of absolute perfection, but relatively to “babes,” or those less ripe in Christian growth (compare Phl 3:12, 15 , with 1Jo 2:12-14 ). “God” ( 1Cr 2:7 ) is opposed to the world, the apostles to “the princes [great and learned men] of this world” ( 1Cr 2:8 ; compare 1Cr 1:20 ) [BENGEL].”


Patricia King -Encouraging Ekstasis Trance Dancing[4]








Today’s church is becoming a modern New Age Supermarket where pleasurable and hedonistic “god experiences” are handed out like fresh fruit. We must examine the fruit they say- it is fine as long as the fruit is good. Well, yes I agree the fruit is good. If Sin were not pleasurable it would not tempt us. It is good to look at, it is good to hold, but should you be unfortunate enough to eat this New Age fruit- it will kill you.

Doling out more than her share of this mysterious new fruit is Patricia King of Extreme Prophetic. Patricia King admits to being in both the occult and New Age prior to coming to Christ. Her teachings are blatantly New Age and she openly refers to herself as a “New Mystic.”  Her most recent dalliance into neo-paganism comes with her promotion of “Ekstasis,” a form of trance dancing. Her itinerant pastor who doubles as a travelling DJ calls the show “Club Mysterio.” (See video examples at the end of page)

Ekstasis (Ecstasy) is from the Ancient Greek, έκ-στασις (ex-stasis), means to stand outside of oneself or to be removed to somewhere else. Ekstasis worship or trance dancing is known to every pagan culture and is meant to bring the participant to a level of excitement called ecstasy. Trance Dance is a “healing tool” with its roots in many ancient cultures. It is practiced by Shaman.
Listen to how one New Age writer defines and describes the ecstatic form of dancing.
“The purpose of a trance dance is essentially to bring you to a place in the sacred zone where the spirits can reach you…In trance dance, the rhythms and movements combine with the music to create an altered state of consciousness that allows entry into the sacred realm…Allowing the body, and parts of the body, to move to and express rhythms it finds engaging in the moment leads to this meditative state of mind and allows entry into a deeper mythic reality.” Adapted from Circle of Shaman, by Karen Berggren (Inner Traditions, 1998).
Now let’s listen as Patricia King describes trance dancing or “Ekstasis” on her website Extreme Prophetic.  
“DJ Caleb Club Mysterio combines ekstasis worship, beats, electronic musical expressions, dance, prayer and a powerful prophetic flow to create a Christian rave experience. Club Mysterio is not a Night Club, it is a Light Club! This new expression of abandoned worship allows you to put feet to your faith as you dance and flow, pressing into the presence of God and experiencing the deep mysteries of intimacy with the Lord...the One who is truly worth raving about!”
Interestingly enough, I also was able to dig up a mail-out flyer from 2007 in which Patricia King invites participants to “Come bring in the New Year at the ultimate party in the secret place. Enter into the glory realm through the hypnotic sounds of Ekstasis music and the powerful sounds of drum and bass and deep house presented by our electronic music master DJ Caleb. (http://www.extremeprophetic.com/mailouts2008/events/xpventsClubMysterio.html)
In stumbling across the website Ekstasis Dance (http://www.ekstasisdance.com/)  I was overwhelmed at the striking and non- coincidental similarities between it and Patricia King’s Club Mysterio.  This website is written from a Paganistic New Age perspective and is based in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, where Patricia is from. Listen to how they describe this type of dance.
Ekstasis is a Greek word for moving beyond oneself. Since time began we as humans have realized our ability to have sensations that transcend our mundane experience - to experience a journey to enhanced states of consciousness, and find freedom from the perceived constraints of time and space…… It is a chance to reclaim our shamanic heritage of healing through transformational, cathartic experiences. To dance our way into a trance, where we move beyond ourselves to connect with the divine source and bring back the vision of a fuller, more potent existence.” (www.ekstasisdance.com).
It is a well established fact that many of the eastern and esoteric religions employ the techniques of trance dancing. The hypnotic sounds and movements elevate dancers into ecstatic, altered states of consciousness. It is while they are in these altered states of consciousness that they are most open to suggestion, mind control, seduction by deceiving spirits, and spontaneous Kundalini awakenings.  However do not be deceived there is no such thing as “Christian” trance dancing. 
Don’t eat this fruit no matter how enticing. It is poison.


First example of "Christian" version of "Ekstasis" or trance dancing.

Second "Christian" example.

Pagan Example- Trance dancing starts at 1:20

Starts at 1:20



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